Sunday, August 14, 2005

The debate that never was.

The motion: A Strong Dictatorship is Better than a Weak Democracy.

I chose to speak against the motion and in favor of democracy a gift our forefathers had toiled so hard for.

"I see no reason why failures and imperfections be inherent vices of a democratic set-up. Dictatorial regimes too have made their own share of mistakes. Mistakes that have been infinitely more gross, infinitely more difficult to undo.Given a choice between a decadent democracy and a more disciplined dictatorship I would still opt for the former.
Democracy ,if only in concept, envisions a perfect state based on the twin pillars of equality and justice.It allows for a peaceful, bloodless revolution every few years. Ours might not be perfect democracy but it is evolving and I think it deserves its times ,after all, the Raj faded just yesterday.
Compare this to a dictatorship where one man wears too many hats.Coming from one particular class,creed and culture he is expected to take actions representative of his entire diverse population. Populace that does not agree with his state of mind is bound to suffer.
Several of my worthy opponents claim that a dictatorship leads to a better law & order situation. But how can that be? In a soceity where the whims and fancies of one person become laws, where is the notion of justice? Justice here is reduced to an arbitrary concept applicable differently to people he likes and to people he does not.
Another point raised in the favor of dictatorships is that it makes for good economics.I have to disagree.Dictatorships invariably tend to be nepotistic. In an age which sells ideas an atmosphere of fear is hardly conducive to new innovations.Also in a global arena dictatorships shall always have a fuedal, autocratic image which can hardly be a good thing for trade negotiations.
No dictatorship can tolerate a free press because well we all make mistakes but while in a democracy the government is comprised of human beings its not the case with dictatorships. A dictator is expected to be God, to be above the infirmities of all common human beings.
Some say a dictatorship is more accountable as the blame of all decisions lies with the dictator.If the people in an information-deprived envioronment do realize their leader has made a mistake,who is going to bring him to justice?Accountability here is pretty much an eyewash.
I concede democracies are more expensive to maintain.Elections, campaigns,larger governments and corruption do take up a huge part of a nation's resources.But a choice between my freedom or my money is as obvious as black or white.No grey areas!
When democratic governments make mistakes people elect new ones.When dictatorships make mistakes they turn into irreversible,ghastly feilds of hate,torture & death.I dont think Ill ever risk such an outcome ,like that of a Nazi Germany, for an illusive promise of better governance.
To end i would like to quote Mr.Gandhi :"When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time they seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall -- think of it, ALWAYS."

1 comment:

aashish said...

cool post be...keep z up